Friday, February 15, 2002

i just noticed i misspelled 'integral' in the embarrassing. and on valentine's day too, that's not very sexy. so what's the most romantic thing i ever did? well once in eighth grade i rode my bike five miles through the pouring rain to give this girl a big bouqet of flowers...wait that wasn't me, that was bing to jessica chao! ok...i used to have a big crush on this girl so i sent her a valentine saying 'as you probably already know, i have a crush on you'. wait...that was charles to joan! eh...once me and bing got lost on the way to menlo park mall and ended up listening to shania twain's still the one over forty times on repeat. or maybe it was when me and jesse changed the oil for my car and we spent the day exerting ourselves half-naked with chests glistening. ok i just remembered that i told my parents about this web site. well...once me and juney drove down to monterey in the middle of the night and spent the next day rollerblading on the boardwalk and climbing up and down cliffs overlooking the pacific and driving along this incredibly gorgeous highway...

romantic sentiments always make me nostalgic for the more halcyon =O and carefree days of my childhood, which really have nothing to do with romanticism. like riding my bike through a park forest with my family or meeting lots of new friends at a summer camp in the middle of nowhere (ok it was piano camp. PIANO camp! KANSAS! i don't care, i loved it.) or playing around in someone's backyard with my friends after dark. or any of the trips i went on with my family, driving up pikes peak and mount evans in colorado, or visiting the redwood forests in oregon, or the canyons in utah, or the blueberry mountains in maine, or the beaches in north carolina...i acted like a bored snobby little kid on those trips but i loved them, mom and dad, they are my favorite memories in the world and i dream about beautiful places all the first memory ever is driving along this amazingly blue ocean in hawaii when i was two years old. maybe this is why i love nature so much...anyways, those were the most special times in my life.

i'll leave you with the words of one of the greatest love songs ever:

I was alone, I never knew...what good love could do
Then we touched, then we sang...about the loving things!
Long night, all night, oh every night
So hold tight, hold tight, oh baby hold tight!
Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it, anyway you want it!

That's the way i want it...

here's a little something i typed out on june hye's computer once when we were studying. there's no point or anything really.

I used to have a cat named Tiger, who got killed in a fight with a raccoon one day. Actually his name was Tiger II; that reminded me of Tiger I, who got run over by a car. That reminded me of my dog Casper who was an American Eskimo; I once chased him around the neighborhood three times before he got hit by a garbage truck. That reminded me of the time I had a fish, which flopped out of his tank as I was carrying it across the street once and got squished by a car. That reminded me of the time that I adopted a kid, because we had a lot of pets together. The End.