so i started this thing in december as a way to get all my ground-breaking never-before-thought-of thoughts out to the world but where i wouldn't have to do any real thinking myself, where as i typed precious gems would spill out of my fingers onto the screen, but i ran into two obstacles:
i) i'd hadn't imagined that the page would be so ugly (and i had no idea how to format it)
ii) my fingers are useless
even this little post has more cheesiness than self-aaaaaaggrandizing self-aware self-mockery. anyways, i forgot about the whole thing until i came across what i had had in mind in actual physical form - the book A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Actually, reading the book didn't remind me of this blogspot at all, it's just that today my mind was so numbed while trying to do my stat hw that i actually read the profile of my own screename (...) and saw the link there. but being reminded of the blogspot triggered the thought hey, i kinda wanted to do something like AHWOSG so i guess it was kind of a reverse revelation or something...i should stop typing before my keyboard strangles me for being so dumb - if i come back here in a few days and re-read this post, the chances are 99% that i'll immediately delete it and refuse to come out of my room for fear of being shot by the two people who were unlucky enough to read it
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