Thursday, December 19, 2013

commemorating a brother

one freak accident and so many lives are changed forever.  no warning blip, no whisper to say 'brace yourself - a big one's coming.'

the world has shrunk, this morning's colors seem inordinately dull, and the conflict between faith in things unseen and pain of genuine loss has never seemed greater.  faith presents ancient scriptures while pain attacks with accusations of injustice and irrational fragility.  faith counters with its chief ally hope and the irrationality of love entering into our fragility in the form of Jesus.

it hurts.  but in the end, one man's death doesn't diminish the goodness of God.  not even if that man is young and overflowing with smiles and life.  not even if that man has one of the sweetest and gentlest temperaments that could conceivably be designed.  not even if that man was the first person besides my wife and i with whom my baby daughter felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on.

farewell for now, brother.  we'll see you soon.