Thursday, February 27, 2003

i love this song, don't change your plans by ben folds:

you have made me smile again
in fact, i might be sore from it

all i really wanna say
is you're the reason i wanna stay
but destiny is calling and won't hold
and when my time is up i'm outta here
all i know is i've gotta be
where my heart says i oughta be
it often makes no sense, in fact
i never understand these things,
i feel

i love you, goodbye
i love you, goodbye...

of course i have no one to apply this to, heh. and it's not like i'm going anywhere. heh. well hopefully i'll be in china next year, teaching english or something. and if so, i guess jesse could be getting a serenade...

it's 2:30 am right now and i'm worried about being able to wake up for an 11:30 lunch tomorrow. a couple days ago, me and eric went to sleep before jesse and steve came home at nite and woke up after they left the apt in the morning. i've posted on the blogspot three times this week. i am definitely a college grad with no job.

quote n + m + r + 2 from the BHOT:

eric, late at night: where's jesse? i bet he has a secret life, frolicking in the city with some girl right now
pete: no, mitch is asleep already

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

quote number n + m + r from the BHOT:

eric (to carolyn, on why she got together with her boyfriend in 8th grade): he was hot and you were horny

quote number n + m + r + 1:

eric: drawing a winky face on a note to somebody is basically like proposing marriage

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

there are three facts which juxtapose to form one inescapable conclusion:

one, my grandparents on my dad's side spoke fluent japanese, which leads me to assume that they were in taiwan during the japanese occupation of taiwan in the earlier half of the 20th century, so they preceded the chinese nationalist emigration of the 1950s.

two, the first wave of mainland chinese immigrants entering taiwan in the late 1600s was a group of chinese pirates fleeing the newly instated Qing emperor Kangxi.

three, i'm developing a ring around my stomach and getting fatter by the minute.


jesse's right, this xanga madness is too much. i know he thinks that cause he wrote it on his xanga site, not cause he said it to me. really though, it's too much.

if there's something here that doesn't seem to make sense, it's probably either a simpsons or calvin and hobbes reference.